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A persepctive of a rural mums life;

Writer's picture: Maree McmanawayMaree Mcmanaway

The holidays are a busy time, and especially mid season on a farm. This one is more for the rural parents although Im sure all mums can relate. MAREES WEEKLY QUOTE Listen to the kids out there singing their little hearts out. Who cares if they're in tune-they're just thrilled to be here today and that's what counts. (From a local television broadcast)

This is a wee article I wrote back in 3. August 2003

As its peak season for most farmers, and childrens school holidays; I thought this may be worthwhile.. The Rural Shopping List. We rural women have experienced it at the “shopping” list. Finally, you have the opportunity to slip into something other than overalls and apply some creamed lipstick rather than udder cream. Not forgetting of course to blow dry your hair with a little more flare than the usual prevailing winds.

Then comes the task of loading the family wagon, which is sporting large swirls of mud, and deposits of the blessed cow’s wastage-tax free! Not forgetting a few avian styled gifts from above, with nesting in full swing in the sheds.

So, first on the list is food, easy enough, although the side glances from daily or weekly shoppers as you drag your doubled trolley load about like a Kenworth navigating a one way laned system ,through the forever blocked aisles of packing boxes whilst attempting to smile at the frazzled packers.

Secondly, the children have passed on the “you must get this, or I will die” list. And don’t forget those lollies, you know the ones that make our tongue’s change colour. Oh, I’m sure they are good for you-not.

Thirdly; There has been a serious run of Piranha feasting bloody great holes in the paddocks, so you just know Hubby will have a request. So there you are, finally, all loaded-with the pre-school child survival pack for the journey, consisting of toys, books, nappies, and of course Panadol and 3 deep breaths for mum; You might even squeeze in a visit with a friend at a café when it happens…

Yours truly comes flying at you on the quad bike spraying dust and flicks of crap, as he comes to a screaming halt and yells, “While you are in town, can you”…..

Now you have a few options.

You can tell him to bugga off, as you have enough to do already, and drive off in a retaliative spray of dust and crap.

Or you can suggest he goes himself, naturally adding a few more colourful words to the mixed exchange ; Why because, as you already know whatever you get will more than likely be the wrong thing anyway, and he will only end up going in himself again later.

Or you can stop and use one or a few of those prepacked 3 deep breaths, and remember that farming is a team effort, and you are a very vital member of that team.

So, what do you do- you take the detailed list and hope for the most helpful assistant in said agricultural store.

As you complete your marathon of tasks, to your “easy”day excursion via the bumpy yet beautiful rural road of New Zealand. You think about purchasing takeaways or Maca’s as a take home treat. Ahh a small win- And these days either a chilly Bin or the seat warmer, works reasonably well.

Lastly, as you come flying past the last diary - a final wee treat for yourself and Hubby tucked under your pillow upon retiring to bed .After all it will take at least a Whitakers Energy Chocolate bar to entice each other if there is to be more than sleep as the final task on your rural list for the day.

Remember to find the joy in life, it's the only one you have got. Have a balancing life week all.



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