Remembering the child to be born
The children who passed in mis carriage or still birth
The children passed from illness or accident
The children raised by adoptive parents
The children raised by foster parent
The mothers who have passed and laid to rest
The children who are raised by another who represent parents
The aunties who parent
The grandmas who parent
The fathers who are mothers
The mothers of mothers from mothers before who were brave enough to love more than one
To the mothers in rest homes unable to be visited (as ours is)
The mothers who daughters grow up to lead our country
The mothers who’s daughters are in jail or lost in direction
The mothers who worry and tire- yet find strength to carry on
The mothers who say I love you to their children with kindness and praise
The mothers who laugh at themselves and show that little things like messy floors show your children it’s good to play -that toys don’t belong in boxes
The mothers and nanny’s who cherish that after bath wet hug in a towel on their knee come the end of a day oh so much - or those big grown child hugs with 4 simple words that exude what life is all about ..I love you mum
And so it is
And so it will always be
Thank you