Life is too short to be anything but your best version of happy. Just prior to the Resthomes going into lockdown -once again- I was sitting in the day lounge with my mum on one side, and a delightful resident lady on my other. Over our cuppa we began to chat; I asked her what was life before she lived in Resthome care like for her? She replied, It was over in a flash; One minute I was happily raising our family on a sheep farm, helping in the sheds, working alongside my darling husband; the next minute our children had grown and left the country life for the city to find their own way. Then of course there was the war to live through. I listened as a silence passed while she recalled that time. My darling then had a stroke and died. she said sadly. Next thing I too become overnight frail, and so here I am...spoken in one flippant sentence. One day your life will flash before your eyes. I couldnt help but see her eyes fill with tears, mixed in love,joy, sadness and wisdom all rolled into one, when she said that. It stuck.
Our family after dinner last night sat around a DVD (which had to be dusted off) and watched with lots of laughter our life play out to date. It reminded me how quickly time does pass and how right this elegant lady was. I guess now Covid is "our viral war to "live through" Yet even with Covid as part of your life story to live with, we can still ensure it’s worth watching. Some may say a bucket list is not worth having. I would say its more vital than ever... on the fact that you aint gonna live forever , you might as well do whatever you enjoy (within reason) and to be as happy as you can while you do live! I know its not easy, yet TRY to live as if ALL days matter, even the prickly ones.. Surrender that which you cannot change Expand that which you can. Acknowledge and accept your emotions, they are not all great days, so let go on those days even more so. Resisting is persisting on what you dont want. Just try not to indulge or expand those downer patches. Enjoy what you enjoy, even the little seemingly everday things , like a meal with family are worthy of pleasure. Keep a bucket list; even if it is redefined it matters. Practice going with the flow of this time because one minute, one day, one year it will be aflas..dont waste a second in sadness any longer than you have too. ok. Happiness is in your head and hands! We are still oh so very blessed beyond this. Count yours.
