Stick n stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you- WRONG Names can hurt you - if you let them. What happens when you worry or believe untruths said about you? Basically, you think of 100 reasons why it might be true,or you seek evidence in your daily life to validate the lie. Then, all of those thoughts can start to become things. Then even though logically you may know its wrong, your emotional thoughts are overriding their more constructive factual thoughts. What you hear from another (especially someone you are emotionally connected to) well, it can get in... and it can stick, even for a life time...if you allow it. So how do we change the weight of those lies, those mind rocks, heavy and burdening, holding you down.? Break them down into pebbles, big enough to kick out of your way.! 🦵 You do the exact same mindful process in the opposite way. Sounds simple,yet it is doable, just like rocks are heavy , with time and ebbing away the rocks become smaller, pebble like. Basically, you think of 100 reasons why it might be false ,or you seek evidence in your daily life to validate the authentic - the truth of who you REALLY are. Because its you who Rocks- you-do you know that? Its you who entertains or dismisses ,any thought be it heavy, or helpful. Its you who is authentic, original and dynamic.
Do you know that deep inside enough to remember your endless power in that.! Sure nothing is set in stone...yet when you see yourself as the one who rocks, you see you..🦹♀️🦹♂️ So lets be kind out there people. Say, do act in ways that you would want. Set your bar high, and let the shields of self love protect you as you select who and what you will allow into your incredible gift -called life.❤️ Stand strong on this solid rock called Aotearoa and if you must bow your head let it be to mighty mountain. Go for it!🤘
