A Very Merry and Safe Christmas to you all From the team of LYF 4U
Hello ,welcome,and Merry Christmas. Thank you for being here , The sound of laughter has always seemed to me the most civilized music in the universe. (Sir Peter Ustinox 1921-2004) Congratulations to you- You made it through! While yes it has been a year of ups and downs for many, you are still here. Navigating the ongoing adjustments to the latest viruses of Covid and War, (yet another virus in human making). It is easy to be driven downwards or paralized by fears of the future. Yet with choice to change we can forge onwards a pathway that continues to build up not only ourselves as human beings but as contributors with others too. We are resilient , (because it's the best way) to navigate this world of constant change; and have a duty of care to it . It's time to heal, to let go of that which does not work. To instead celebrate and be grateful for what has been, by utilizing all the lessons and setting a plan with wisdom for what is to come.
To me, the myths of the 3 wise men had a key message - It is in giving that we get. It is in unison that we create. It is through love that resistance can be conquered. So count your blessings; love, laugh and live the best life you possibly can. 4U Remember to support those who have lost loved ones, who are alone,or unwell. Try and take the time to stop and reflect on all that you have achieved this year, all the great things that have happened you will realize that you, have done well on all things considered. Celebrate your wins- even the small wins are still worth happy recognition. Congratulations....
And Thank you to you, who is reading this, who has been part of this community group to support, connect and motivate you throughout your year, this year and every year since 2008. For without you and your support, this would not be possible. You are invited to join me on; https://instagram.com/mareelyf4u?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.facebook.com/LYF4U COMING SOON Online Personal Development Programs Look out for the launch in 2023. See 2023 as your next enticing adventure of what if I......
