A warm midwinter welcome to you, I appreciate your being here, MAREES WEEKLY QUOTE; No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature.” – Deepak Chopra
I love that our bodies are so forgiving, how well our bodies communicate, and how well our bodies respond and change..
With so many struggling with navigating life with Covid and other health challenges in today's times, it is even more important to have options on the "how to" manage our health and wellbeing.
To help you;
LYF 4U is delighted to welcome and recommend Wendy Mouldey as the go to health guru/coach to the expanding team..
Below is a snapshot of what she can offer you.
Hi; I own and operate Fitness Plus Health Centre Ltd … a private and specifically established venue that is the perfect starting point for enabling, enhancing and optimizing Health and Wellness on many levels. I am also the creator of the “Be Your Own Health Hero”, “Rediscovering Your Innate Immunity” and “Primal Buttons” educational material With over 36 years in the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry my Toolbox is vast, and varied, but as a Functional Health Systems (FHS) Medicine Practitioner, Lymphascial Practitioner, Advanced Health Coach (Kaizen Inst), Holistic Movement Coach (Kaizen Inst) and Certified Life Coach, I typically address environmental, emotional, movement (including rehabilitation), and of course health issues for my patients and clients.
Below is a link where you can now read about access to other services, including the wonderful Justine Redfern..our Relationship Coach. Simply by contacting LYF 4U you will be gently guided to choose the right match 4U.
It's all 100% confidential, and 100% about you.
Myself -Personal Development Coach
Relationship Coach - Justine Redfern
Health Practitioner and Coach -Wendy Mouldey
If, like me, you want to live a long , strong, functioning, healthy, happy life, and have your mind and body work well for you, then be prepared to join your own inner team of mind, body and spirit. FACTS: Your skin is replaced every 28 days, Your liver every 5 months Your bones replace every 10 years You literally are what you eat and do.. Nuture, celebrate and uplift your whole incredible self...you can start any time..maybe even today..we are all the same human beings moving through life and its changes..may as well support one and other. With you through the thick and the thin of life.. we are all in this together aye.
