As we begin to send our children back to school, remember to...
Thank you to the parents who have been busy with children over the holidays, teaching them the joys of learning new things.
Thank you to the children for remembering to have fun, and play with life to learn.
Thank you to the teachers who are busy preparing to educate our children.
There is great power in self educationIt matters less about when you begin to learn, and more about actually doing it
.I read somewhere that Victims watch TV while Leaders read in Libraries.. a little extreme, although i understood the point.
How much of your life do you donate to TV?
How much of your life do you donate to mindfulness?
Growth and self education?
Statistically if you live to be 75 years old, (which in this day and age is very achievable, ) and you use a device , including a TV for 2 hours per day you will have WASTED a whopping 10 years of your life! Or to rephrase:
If I told you , you were going to jail for 10 years, how would you respond.....
I understand we use devices..
i'm using mine right now..
Yet it is the capital value you are receiving while using it that matters.If you are studying online as an example.. you are investing device time for future income increases.
If you are simply zombie faced scrolling, randomly shopping, seeking very short term rewards from likes or indulging in selfies then you are not only wasting your time, you are losing valuable time, and also running the risk of cyber or scam tactics.
:It is only through the growth of new thinking, new ideas, that you can grow as a producer of your personal and professional development to a level which increases your confidence, clarity and yes cash too.
How awesome would that be!
Become the leader of your life, not the follower
Perhaps a few TV free or Device free evenings are not such a big compromise after all.. simple yet oh so effective
Perhaps rising earlier is beneficial
Perhaps being disciplined and dedicated enough to say no when neededPerhaps there are no real excuses
if you want what you say you want that is...start today.
Your future self will thank you for it.
Your children will learn from you too
Power to you!
