Hello and always a warm smiling welcome to you
I appreciate your being here . This is your LYF 4U weekly community gift of connection/motivation and a little joy that I have shared with you for over 15 years now.
I appreciate how it reaches so many homes globally. I invite anyone to join on all media ...after all the only way to better our world is to share better thoughts, to gain better actions and better results for us all.
So just like that the “Silly Season is here. For many Christmas looming means credit /debit cards booming, and by February debts are dooming. How do we keep our wits about us in such chaos.? It sounds cliche yet it’s true- your greatest gifts are not wrapped, the greatest gifts are felt:
How do we awaken the JOY of Christmas?
MAREES MAGICAL MOTIVATIONAL Mae West quotes - Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
I have never agreed more than when sharing a wonderful smile. It’s a distraction, a chance to simply be in the moment.
As I stood in one of the many ques yesterday, a small boy was in a shopping trolley. He, like his mother, was tired. Tired, bored, scratchy-he was well over the "joys" of Christmas. Happily he accepted my smiles, and in a flash returned it, beaming one back to me with gusto!! As we waited, we played a weird face game. Mum was happy, he was happy, and so was I. All it took was a little play smile. Remember to give out as many smiles as you can. They are free, easy and offer great returns. And a wonderful way to lighten anyone's day Look out for more ways to enjoy the joy of the festive season over the next month 4u. x
