Let talk about change;
Recognizing and owing that you are not where you want to be is the starting point to begin changing your life.
Your life is a mirror image of what you have been thinking, speaking and doing.
There are 6 universal laws that a guy by the name of John Kehoe compiled ..he is what I would call a Mind Power Guru.
Mind Power is a mind training system of easily applied exercises that are practiced daily to harness the power of the conscious and subconscious minds.
After I studied his practices, I have used and incorporated it successfully for my clients as another mind asset to what is on offer through LYF 4U.
Law 3- Law of Attraction is the most widely recognized law. Some may recall several years ago a following on a book and DVDs of The Secret. There is much scientific evidence to confirm that our thoughts have energetic magnetism.
Great news is- if you don't like what is in your life story, you CAN .....
Change it
Change the way you are thinking, speaking, and acting on it.
Change your words to start telling a new vision/story.
Discover it, what would new be like?
Deep down you want to believe in that vision..
Grow it
That vision says a lot about your commitment to your conviction and determination of your actions.
Creation/imagination and vision are your inner guide lights of the new path story
Determination, persistence and patience are your actions of that pathway forward
Own it
Prove you are responsible
Prove you are reliable
Prove that you are truly putting the energy into your story, it will come.
Challenging memories are like Knots on a tree- Though they can be sanded smooth, they never quite disappear, and for good reason. To add greater character/resilience to the evolving work of life that is you.
Celebrate the character this builds, the resilience it expands, the clarity it offers, and of course the changes.
Change and create to celebrate, is a simple mantra..
You do not have to believe what it is you seek- reason being , your mind does not know the difference between fact or fiction- it simply responds to what it is you feed it. ( Understanding that-was my lightbulb moment)
As The Pantene's Rachel Hunters Ad goes, it doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen.. As a client said last week- I'm choosing to be my best- plus 10% (Great thank you Mark)
If you need a hand to coach you through this, to find your clear vision-just let me know,
With you all the way.

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