As spring begins to show us sneak previews of what is to it time you got off your Ass? MAREES WEEKLY QUOTE The biggest sins in life are sitting on your Ass.. (Florynce Kennedy)
As humans we at times forget that we too are emerging... There is a fundamental need to experience many emotions and times in order to learn. Understand that what is called a mistake is a learning experience that will enhance your life. (Even when/if they hurt) Recognize that like a winter you can replace all judgments with a feeling of acceptance and even appreciation. All your experiences enhance your learning and personal growth towards being a more loving, forgiving, creative,educated person.
Choose to remember this always and find yourself responding to all you from this centred place of worthiness.
Is it time you got off your Ass and started to reset your spring? You have achieved so much and have so much more to offer this colourful world and those around you. Step forward into now, this moment, this present time and just as the daffodil must push through the cold dark ground you too can emerge again with great energy.
Remember you are born uniquely individual, you have no one to compare to, and no one to compete with, so expand your own sense of worth. What does your sneak preview into your future look like for you?
Build your mental empire of strengths, and skills and self-knowledge you have gained over the years, you are full of resources. Use them to build higher worth, and create what you want to meet your level of contentment. 4u x
