Dear followers of this community site.
From past and present, and in the future
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your invaluable connection.
Thank you for being here
I truly do mean that
You are a pivotal part of the LYF 4U service...and in the success of what we do each and every year.
My goal isn't just to give you help, but give you the tools and understanding to help yourself too.
I have dedicated my life to helping people grow and find happiness, peace, new careers and new perspectives on their lives.
And as the demand for mind health is forever expanding, LYF 4U expanded.
Over time, LYF 4U has expanded, and welcomed several coaches to our team
Business Coach
Chris Whelan
Chris works with business owners to give them the success they deserve and the lifestyle they desire.
Transformation Coach
Fiona Christie
Founder of The Awakened Guru, life-long seeker and deliverer in the field of quantum change, she became one of the first trained life coaches in New Zealand.
LYF 4U has also Affiliated with several businesses
Energy Healing and great reading and very useful resources .
Kay Urlich Founder of The Structure of Energy Healing, the Peace Through Compassion project, and the SAFY: Self Awareness for Youth new thought youth suicide-prevention programme.
You can meet us all on this - Meet your ideal match
LYF4U has also merged with Givenwell,
Givenwell are both national and Australia based. And offer a myriad of resources, and opportunities for mind and body wellness.
A great joy for me personally was the opportunity to pay it forward in a way that helps many
This year's key community project being the 3 rooms at Masterton Medical Ward, Masterton Hospital...were successfully repurposed to support those with palliative or further illnesses.
THANK YOU to all the businesses involved in making this such a success. !
This year, LYF 4U has had the privilege to walk alongside and coach many for which I am forever thankful;
People just like you or I.
People like those listed below ;
Business Managers
Staff of businesses
Business owners
Sales reps
Bus/truck drivers
Hair and beauty therapists
Many farmers or people working in our rural backbone
Builders, tradespeople
Police persons
Office staff
Teachers, estate agents, members of parliament,
Retail assistants
Stay at home parents
Teenagers...and oh so many more incredible diverse lives.
From here in New Zealand either in my office or all over our world, ranging in age from 15-87 years of age...with the use of zoom.
No one or no thing is immune from the innate need to be supported through that which causes their mind to suffer or feel the need to grow...
We all have the desire to set out to be successful, and just as a sportsperson seeks to do better under the influence of a sports coach, those who seek to do better in life/mind understand the value of a Personal Development and or Business Coach.
For this works by your ability to be open and ready minded to ask , willing to do what is required to make the changes, and dedicated to seeing it through being the 3 keys to your personal result.
Thank you is an understatement for trusting LYF 4U throughout the past 16 plus years to support you in your journey.
As your loyal local coaching team,you can be assured that we will continue to offer you our service.
I invite you to join us; Or simply take a stroll through the site, check out the blogs and so much more on offer just 4U. So we can look after you more.
Online Shop
Online program
I can now confirm that next year LYF 4U is welcoming a fabulous new opportunity for you and your wellness.. Look out for its launch in Jan/February :) !!
In closing..
Remember those who walk with us and those who have passed over. I know I will be visiting many families who are at the local cemetery, as many of you will too.
Time is a precious gift ...use some of it to connect, to enjoy tranquil places, rest, relax, and restore.
In the meantime we wish you the most healthy, happy and heartfelt Christmas.
From my heart to yours , be kind doubt there
See you in 2025
Thank you. x
