Today I'm sharing the tip of the iceberg of what is on offer to help you with some suggestions.
It's easy to get burnt out, in life...
We notice it more, especially with a bit of Midwinter Monday Blues chucked into the mind mist.
Yet where did it come from?. Is it real?
Or is it simply a collection of past resentments/behaviours hindering around?
Perhaps with frustrations with trying too much at work/home/life?
It's easy to take on a whole lot of trying to do this or that.
Often in many causes, factors are at play in this..
Often we lean into these factors as if life depended on it.
Here's the thing;
Unless you are in actual danger of being eaten alive, or beaten up, or a natural disaster is according...
You are safe.
You are fine,
You do not need to wind yourself up so tight you are like a spring about to burst.
Here's the first step/suggestions, to help you unwind that mentally induced tight spring a little;
Stop trying- trying causes stress
Stop beatingyourself up - you are a work in progress, just as life is.
Stop seeking status - it will get you nowhere worth going.
I have heard it said, that if you are trying to show those at the top who you are , forget it. They will only look down on you.
If you are trying to show off for those at the bottom , forget it. They will only envy you.
And if you are trying to get everything done, forget it- You can never succeed.
Trying causes resentment, which causes anger, which causes unhealthy thoughts/behaviours/symptoms in your body/work/life.
You are tired
You are lashing out
You are extra emotional
You are feeling ill, or have gut or constant headaches
You become ..someone else, living free in your head/heart ... someone you do not want to be.
Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.(Esther Lederer, a.k.a. Ann Lander
Here's a few easy tips, to help you unwind that mentally induced tight spring a little;
Life and love won't happen if you wait to be happy or want to get "it"done, because once you get "it" done, there will be another reason toput happiness on hold..
Practice being more thankful for everything, and get your mind into a lighter vibe/feeling.
Because one good thought of thanks, love. or appreciation can lead to another good thought.
Be thankful for life, for the job you do have.
A grateful mind isconstantly focusing on the best in example may be your good health .. It's actually worth millions.
Therefore, life becomes the best when;
We accept it takes time- for expectancies to unfold, those rewards are the best, and with practice we accept it more patiently, receive it fully.
Compare yourself to yourself - and not others.
It's not a competition... there is nothing or no one to resent...
You are you, find the most approachable pathway to be the best of you.
Be kinder towards all people.
When your mind stumbles, be your own best friend.
Recognize it is OK in fact normal to have flat days, just remember to be kind toyourself.
Leave perfectionism behind - and be perfect in that...
Because that is reality.
Simply be loving...
You only need to attend a funeral, or visit an ill loved one to be awakened to how fortunate you are.
You were born from crave to be loved, so give it, and allow its return.
Because you are worthy of living inside your head/heart in peace, freely and openly so that you can take on life's challenges with an open mind, a mind that has the ability to solve, to expand, to grow with.... that's why.
