Hello and always a warm hearted welcome to you
I appreciate that you are here.
Thank you
I hear many stories of deep emotional inner struggles..
So I'm stepping into this with you,
Come with me
It's for you...
Sometimes when things go wrong it's easier to blame others or things..
Because it simplifiers it all.
It takes any responsibility out of your hands.
I'm not saying the situation is easy, but is isnt a resolve to blame outside of yourself.
Yet without the right mind set and tools, and a whirlpool of mental turmoil..
You are the best thing that has happened to you, you being granted this gift called life.
Full of tests and tribulations
You are smart and funny, you are a sibling or parent, a co worker or boss.
You can and do choose to care about people at work, or when you're out and about, and you may even help others feel good about themselves.
Then, knowing this
Perhaps it's time to treat yourself in the same way.
Others can and do promise you anything, yet what if you stepped up and you promised yourself.
What packt could you make with yourself?
Your inner self doesn't stop caring for you, or stop loving you, you do .
Life is going to test you
For your level of understanding,
For your level of commitment
Make peace
Accept what is
Rolling around in it as if you have to wrestle with it will only tire you more
Because when you are utterly sick and tired of your own bullshit, or that of others....you have a choice..
You either
Exist in a life of emotional toxic based poisonous experiences , or live in your life of emotional toxin based experiences
What would that be like..............
This is the stuff you dont get taught in schools
This is all about
Your EQ (Emotional Quotient) . It has little to do with your IQ.
How liberating would this feel to be empowered to manage such tests?
If you need help to reset, and master some easy yet powerful mindset tools, and to really LIVE rather than exist; the contacts are below.
Online program https://www.lyf4u.co.nz/online-programs Personal Liberation Program , excellent value at $39.00.
Meet your ideal coach -match https://www.lyf4u.co.nz/match For face to face or zoom sessions with myself or one of the affiliated coaches.
Online Shop https://www.lyf4u.co.nz/shop Many resources available to you.
Meantime, have a staying cool, being calm, and walking with confidence all week.
Hugs x
With you all the way.
