Im sure you would agree that life really is up and down
So how do we navigate through hard times?
As has been said, Life is like sliced bread- no matter how thinly you slice it- there are always 2 sides..
There is a common saying that without a little sadness you dont appreciate the happy times...If life were just a steady stream of sameness, we would soon tire and almost seek contrast. The down time gives us grounding into our very human existence while the good time seems to remind us how amazing life can be.
There are so many lessons we can learn from pain. The most significant one is that we acknowledge that there was a lesson to be learnt in the first instance.
Everyday someone is going through a stress of loss, heartbreak, severe changes or setbacks, so remember to always look at life on both sides.
As tough as it can be, process the pain for a time, and let it out.
Then, try not to self sabotage by playing into the victim, feel and heal the pain, yes, yet it doesn't have to be permanent ....
The flip side benefits from pain could be;
You will find your true friends
Your goals become every clear in that what you do and dont want going forward is definite
Your ,money may have more meaning
Your kids will be learning from you
You may become more independent- or at the least wiser
Its will teach you a greater resilience, if you let it
You will choose what stresses are worth reacting to by responding more wisely
You will have a deeper understanding of what you value in relationships and life
Your eyes will be opened to other opportunities
And the kicker- you will appreciate the good times more.
Wear your experience like wrinkles about your eyes, noticed most when with a smile of gratitude for lessons learnt. (Maree McManaway )
