MAREES THOUGHT It's not illegal to be happy, and we can all choose to exceed the maximum speed (Maree McManaway) This world is full of choices, often made in haste on the fly... and those consistent choices make it very hard to remember that every decision you make makes a difference to your everyday and in fact from that of your life. From the moment you wake it, it is full milk or lite milk, you cannot avoid these choices. Your life will always be dictated by your choices. Some things may not be a preferred choice, yet you do get to choose each and every one tells you how to feel, you do, no one tells you what to say, you do, no tells you how to react, you do
What is it that you are choosing to hold onto that is creating stress or unhappiness in your life.?
Choose only the best for you.It is your choice..stop wallowing in the if only or the what was, or could have been, and get up, get out there and have a bloody great day!! Yeah- i'm talking to you. Choose right now, to make this day and week your best. Yes! Below are the links to my new business page and Instagram account,, please join me there, and look out for the changes to come for you from LYF 4U. Here are the instagram and Facebook links -
