Lets walk/talk on - When , I dont matter- that "nothing I do seems to help",
I hear this type of statement a lot from clients.
I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without so much as a crack showing in it.
Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know that it was worth not so much the blow that did it, but all that had gone before it. (Jacob Piis)
Jacob Riis (1849–1914) was an American reporter, social reformer, and photographer.Although one man- His book How the Other Half Lives (1890) shocked readers .
He was a journalist- How was famous for writing a book called- How the other half lives..
His book evoked a major New York legislation to help poor conditions in tennented housing. I
Jacob Riis documented the slums of New York, what he deemed the world of the “other half,” teeming with immigrants, disease, and abuse. A police reporter and social reformer, Riis became very familiar with the struggles of hard living drawing attention to the horrendous conditions.
With his book, Riis helped create a new Era. An Era of awareness, that he hoped may help solve social and economic problems. Riis thought that if given the chance, people could overcome poverty, as he had. Riis called for proper lighting and sanitation in the city's lower-class housing.
His work matters significantly.
It is often assumed that because you are one, you cannot change what matters in life to many.
That all seems lost.
That nothing seems to help.
Yet if you choose, to see this day, to seize this day, to take action to make changes every day....Then within this life it is possible to become and create a wonderful achievement/ adventure and aptitude that will breathe both stability and newness into your world.
It is not best you remain as you are...and not seek to pursue things that matter.
You can push for that which does matter.
Because you matter.
Soak it in.
With you all the way...
