Hello and always a warm welcome,
I appreciate your being here;
Today is White Ribbon Day.
It is the international day when people wear a white ribbon to show that they do not condone violence towards women.
I would add that women with low esteem, translate this cycle down onto our children.
(Note; Part of this below information is from Wayne Dwyer)
As parents, we only want the best for our children. We want them to be confident and self-loving people. There’s only one way to raise your child’s self-esteem, that is by having your own self-respect.and esteem in tact.
Our children model after our actions, not just our words. We can’t tell them one thing and act the opposite.
We lead them by our example;
Below are principles that you can use as guideposts for raising your child’s self-esteem, and encouraging you to consider the same.
Do your best to model self-respect.
You cannot cheat/lie and simply state this- your child is watching/witnessing.....through your behavior, if you respect yourself.
A child will only believe down in their soul that you genuinely think of yourself as a respected human being...if you practise it on all levels. This means first of all carrying yourself in a way that gives you personal dignity, with all that this implies; it also means that you never tolerate disrespect from anyone, especially in front of your child, and particularly when that disrespect also comes from you.
The importance of this principle can be summed up in these words: If you want your child to respect themselves, give an example of a person who does the same, and do your best not to waiver from that position.
When children see a shining example, it is easier for them to incorporate high self-esteem behaviors into their own lives. This has a massive impact as they develop.
Treat each child as a unique individual.
Each of your children is a special person not like his brothers or sisters, or any other person , so simply put do not compare him/her.
. Respecting a child’s uniqueness means a genuine acceptance of that person as a unique creation who had unlimited potential within him to become anything that he might choose for himself throughout his life.
A child is a person who is growing.
A child who fails is not a failure; he/she has simply acted in a way which has given him an opportunity to grow.
A child who does poorly on a mathematics quiz is not in- capable.
You can teach your child to grow from mistakes and to never fear failure as long as they understand that his worth does not come from how well he performs a given task on a particular day. Self-worth cannot be validated on the basis of performance; All too often with the media, would have us believe otherwise. Again your example has huge impacts.
Provide opportunities to be responsible and make decisions.
Children who are given the opportunity to be decision-makers right from the very beginning of their lives.
Children need to take on responsibilities, rather than have their parents do things for them. They learn confidence by doing, not by watching someone else do it for them. Especially if the child considers it the "wrong" way.
Keep in mind a child is a child, andd should be given the right to be one, and not be forced to become a parent child.
Teach enjoyment of life each day.
Children who live in a positive environment learn to be positive about themselves.
Give them regular examples of “counting your blessings” reactions when they feel down.
Show them with your own example that you are grateful for being alive, that this is a wonderful place to live, and how significant they are....not to be saved for "after a fall out" but to be shared each day to up beat their days. Lead..
Provide praise rather than criticism.
Children who are criticized too often, learn to do the same thing to themselves, and ultimately become persons with low self-regard.
Praise is a wonderful tool in the entire process of child rearing.
Remember, nobody (including yourself) enjoys being told what to do or being criticized/harmed. Parents often believe that they are providing help to their children when they constantly correct and criticize them, assuming that they will grow from these remarks.
But ask yourself: Do you like being corrected? Do you grow when you are constantly criticized? Do you like being harmed?
In truth, we tend to stay the same when we are criticized; we want to defend what we have done.
No one is harmed from praise, but MANY suffer through lack of it, and through physical/emotional/psychological harm;
We become what we think about:
Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor, said it this way: “A person’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”
What are your children predominantly thinking/acting/showing about themselves and their lives?
Keep in mind that your children from the earliest moments of existence have thoughts that are shaped by your input. What your children think about can be shaped in a positive way by you, their most significant person.
Do they believe in themselves?
Their thinking will determine what their life will be. They will become what they think about, and you can be a positive force for thinking or a negative force.
Your actions/words can either harm or help.
Because YOU choose, Your life as usual or a better LYF 4U - and for your children.
Please choose the very best life for yourself, and for your beautiful children. This may be the very catalyst for you to change your environment. Your children may be your driver, your strength, your reason to find a peaceful life, where your violence could no longer be...
If you need help, reach out..if not for yourself, do it for the kids.
Lets lead and live with love..x
