As a life coach, I’m passionate about helping others and guiding them into a new phase of their lives. I work hard on developing a personal, open and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Read the testimonials below to get an idea of the experiences that past clients have had with my services, and get in touch with me today.

I was in such a dark space... Maree was a last hope kinda.. I'm sounding dramatic but I was miserable. All the past years of suffering had taken me down so low. with Maree patient help my life has done a 360... My attitude towards everything in my life is so different it seems surreal now look forward to each day and what it brings I know I'm creating. I cant emphasize enough but I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for this experience, and the things I have learnt impacted me and the decisions I make for the rest of my happy life.
Mike - Teacher
Personal Development Level 1 and Letting Go Program
Thank you Maree- My confidence is back, I feel powerful and motivated again..and I can honestly say I love myself now.. my outlook is positive and now so are my actions. Its amazing to see just how rewarding the coaching techniques have been.. I have taken them on board and I'm much happier. Looking back I realized just how stressed I was!. I see friends and family not coping due to their old habits and mind patterns and now I say go get help...and the Makeover was so good for me!! - how you took me wardrobe shopping, the photos your took, and ideas on how to dress more confidently with my shape really had me feel all because now after all you did I know it truly does work
Personal Development Level 1 Program
I'm so pleased mum and dad organized for me to come and see you and paid for this coaching. I was getting in so much trouble. Mum thought I was out of control, and I guess I was... I felt like I couldn't talk to anybody properly without getting hassled about it. I was quite nervous but Maree was really nice, and easy to talk to and we would laugh a lot which helped heaps. It's so random now cause I can't believe I was so unhappy and doing what I was doing. I'm like never going back down that road again. I'm actually all calm now, and not lashing out doing things that weren't really helping. I even get on well with my parents!! Lol... Now I've got goals on what I want to do and I can talk to Maree anytime... sweet...
Katie - Teacher
Teens Training for Success Program
I hated the fact that I was a statistic... A failed marriage. I had already been engaged before. What the hell's wrong with me I kept thinking. The battle with the kids. The lawyers. The loneliness. The what now was intense. I actually saw Maree 1st on Face Book... and followed her regular post. Her humor even in hard times made her approachable... I had the 1st trial session and knew right then it was for me..i had no idea how much I would learn about myself, how my past had a lot to do with my now. She showed me how to own myself, my part in all this. But being shown how to not let it ruin my life was such a relief. The "letting Go" thing was I'm looking for a completely new partner to share my future with. I had chosen badly all along..yeah divorce did suck but my life doesn't now...
Ron - Business Owner
Life After and Letting Go Program
I was so lost for direction, and down on myself. I felt like a failure, and I was embarrassed as well. I figured I would give it a go- I had nothing to lose now... The 1st course I did really lifted me up. By the end of it I had a 1 year goal plan, and felt like I knew what I was doing for the first time in so long. As a man, my ego was over riding my thinking. I was over analyzing everything and doing myself most of the harm. I say this now.. that I have the tools to manage it. I had come back in for Maree famous "LOF” the next set of goals were due for renewal. When my reminder letter and I year promise arrived I knew I wanted to go up to the next level. And up I have gone! The PD 2 course really taps into my language, triggers, behaviours, and conscious and subconscious self habits that mould my future. Maree I can't thank you enough.
Michael - Programmer
Personal Development Level 2 Program
Although we have never met face to face Maree you have connected with me on such a deep level, it was as if we were in the same room. I had wondered how Skype would work being overseas and all. The "letting Go” session was like all this pressure and heaviness had been removed . I will never forget the impact Life Coaching has made on my life. I feel free, and proud now. My confidence has sky rocketed. I changed my whole wardrobe and style. I'm the authentic me at last. Cant wait to see you on Skype again!! And thank you for the weekly Motivation and Monthly newsletter- they do make a difference...
Sylvia - Manager
Skype Coaching - Personal Development Level 1 and Letting Go Program
It has been some time since we seen eachother... But I wanted to message you and thank you for the session we had together almost a year ago. You gave me the courage to stand up and change things in my life I was not happy about I needed to let you know I am still using the steps you taught me in issues I face today...
I also still have the pendant you gave me at the end of my session. I use it as my grounding tool when I feel as if life and emotions are getting on top of me...
So thank you immensely. You have impacted me more than you will know and I would love to have another session with you at some point in the future.
Single Session
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